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1. create exam paper within the course.

  • Navigate to the content area where you want students to access the exam paper. On the action bar, point to Assessments and click Assignment. [View screenshot (Pciture 1)

  • Picture1.png

    Pciture 1

  • On the Create Assignment page, provide the name, instructions, and exam files that students need to read.(Pciture 2)

  • Picture2.png

    Pciture 2

  • select a Due Date. After Due date, students still can submit their assignment, instructor will receive warnings messages of later submission when they are grading.(Pciture 3)

  • Picture3.png

    Pciture 3

  • In the Grading section, type the Points Possible.Under the Submission details, select the Number of Attempts and set Maximum Attempts to 2 in case students submit an incorrect file at first time.(Pciture 4)

  • Picture4.png

    Pciture 4

  • Make the assignment available. Select the Display After(the exam start time) and Display Until(15 minutes later is recommended at end of exam ) to make sure students can submit the assignment even it pass the exam deadline.

  • Picture6.png

    Pciture 5

  • Click Submit.

*     Please to ask all students to email their exam paper to your as a backup approach in case they submit incorrect files or network issues.

2. View current submission statics

Here is the instruction how to view the real-time submission report



3. Collect Students exam paper

  • After deadline, you need to grade students assignment. go to grade center and enter the "full grade center", set this column as "hide to students".(Picture 6)


    Picture 7

  • at the same page, click the download assignment so you can open the file locally and give grade.



  • input the grade one by one


  • *This is the end of the instruction.