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You can create assignments in several areas within the course

  • Navigate to the content area where you want students to access the assignment. On the action bar, point to Assessments and click Assignment. [View screenshot (Pciture 1)

  • Picture1.png

    Pciture 1

  • On the Create Assignment page, provide the name, instructions, and any files students need to read.(Pciture 2)

  • Picture2.png

    Pciture 2

  • Optionally, select a Due Date. After Due date, students still can submit their assignment, instructor will receive warnings messages when they grade.(Pciture 3)

  • Picture3.png

    Pciture 3

  • In the Grading section, type the Points Possible.Under the Submission details, select the Number of Attempts and set Maximum Attempts to 2 in case students submit an incorrect file at first time.(Pciture 4)

  • Picture4.png

    Pciture 4

  • Make the assignment available.Optionally, select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time selections. Display restrictions do not affect Due date

  • Picture6.png

    Pciture 5

  • Click Submit.

Collect Students assignment

  • After deadline, you need to grade students assignment. go to grade center and enter the "full grade center",select the assignment name and click the yellow button and select the last one.(Picture 6)


    Picture 6

  • download the assignment, and give the mark and comments(optional, something like good job ) for this assignment, and click the submit.

  • 9.1.png

    Picture 7

    You can share this link to student if they don't know how to find your feedback

    *This is the end of the instruction.