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Zhan-Xiang Liu,  Associate Professor in Institute of Organic Chemistry,  Department of Chemistry,  Zhejiang University. He was awarded a Ph.D. from Zhejiang University in 2002. After working as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) for 2 years, he became an associate professor at Zhejiang University in 2004. From 2009 to 2011, he worked as a visiting scientist at the Texas A&M University. His current research interests include organic synthesis and fluorescence sensors. Professor Liu Zhanxiang is mainly engaged in theoretical and experimental teaching of organic chemistry.

The main scientific research projects are as follows:

1.Solid phase synthesis of heterocyclic compounds based on acetylhydrazine resin

2.Synthesis and properties of organic functional compounds, design and synthesis of novel water-soluble near infared sensor  molecules for biological application.

3. Visible light promoted cobalt-catalyzed organic synthetic reaction

4.Synthesis and properties of B-N compounds based C-H activation
