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Dr. Xiuqiong Zeng, female, born on 10th, January, 1968, PH.D, researcher, vice director of Chemistry Experiment Teaching Center, Zhejiang University. Dr. Zeng focuses on the teaching of chemistry courses, in charge of Foundational Chemistry Lab I, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Lab, Quantitative Chemistry Lab (taught in English for foreign students), General Chemistry Lab (taught in English), Biochemistry Lab. She has been honored the first prize of the Quality Teaching Award of Zhejiang University in 2015.

Dr. Zeng is also interested in chemistry research. She has led or participated more than 10 research projects including national or provincial natural science foundations and teaching research foundations. She has edited several books including Biochemistry Experiment, Handbook of Analytical Chemistry. She has published dozens of papers related with teaching researches, and given more than 10 times oral reports in the national conferences on the study and teaching.
