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Assistant Professor, ZJUI


Research: CFD + Turbomachinery, Machine Learning + Turbulence Model, MEMS + Boundary Layer Measurement


Dr. Jiahuan Cui is accepting applications for master and PhD students. There is also a postdoc position opening currently.

Education: Dr. Cui received his Ph.D from the University of Cambridge in 2016 and his undergraduate degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2012. He also visited the University of California, Los Angeles in 2012. Prior to joining the ZJUI institute, he worked at the University of Cambridge as a research associate on an aero-engine project sponsored by Rolls Royce and Innovate UK.

Departments and Institutes:

Mechanical Engineering

Research interests: Jiahuan Cui is interested in computational fluid dynamics. The following is a list of research projects that Dr. Cui has been working on.

1.    Large eddy simulation for turbines

2.    Low order fan/compressor modelling

3.    Turbulence modelling

His current research focus mainly lies in:

1.    Fundamental fluid mechanics and turbulence study

2.    Measurement techniques

3.    Fan and intake design

